What’s this Lagunapic thing?

The Laguna de Santa Rosa in West Santa Rosa is a 14-mile-long waterway, with a floodplain of more than 7500 acres.  How does one make pictures of such a large watershed?  We’ve all driven by it from time to time, maybe plied it’s waters with a kayak, fished it or even went for a hike.  Maybe, like some people I know, have been covered in ticks while tromping through it’s spring and summer brush.  After heavy winter rains, the Laguna fills quickly, tempting photographers with it’s incredible scenery.  How do you photograph it then, really?

Why not document it day to day over a year?  Well then (as I talk to myself) I start today.

The Laguna de Santa Rosa is used to graze cattle and with Sonoma County's Mediterranean climate, needs to be irrigated during summer months. (Kent Porter / Press Democrat) 2013

-Kent Porter

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